Which Type of Side Sleeper Are You?

Did you know that there are different types of side sleepers? Find out your type and how it impacts your health. 

The ingredients to quality sleep are a comfortable mattress, pillow, and correct temperature to name a few. Numerous would look for online sources for tips and read their review of the best mattresses for side sleepersand other sleeping positions. 

A side sleeper prefers sleeping on the left or right side of the body. 

It is a common trait of side sleepers to tuck a pillow tuck between the shoulders and head and hug one on the side. 

There are different types of side sleepers. And each one has its pros and cons to health. These nuances usually depend on which organs are affected while sleeping.

Right Side vs Left Side

Sleeping on the left side is the best choice. You can read from online sources as an example that sleeping on the left is healthier. 

The lungs and airways are not constricted in this sleeping position. Moreover, there is no pressure on the left lung that rests above the heart, which supports proper blood circulation while sleeping. Sleeping on the left also reduces the symptoms of sleep apnea or snoring since your airways are open. 

On the other hand, sleeping on the right side increases the risk of acid reflux and heartburn. It likewise disrupts the natural flow of the intestine, causing gastrointestinal distress. It adds discomfort and pressure on the right side of your body, wherein your gastrointestinal system rests. 

Pregnant women sleep on the side but not on the right-side sleeping position. Sleeping on the right side adds pressure on the uterus, thereby compressing the liver and distressing blood circulation on the fetus.

Types of Side Sleepers

There are various types of side sleepers. Know which type you belong to and find out how it affects your general health. 

#1 Fetal Position

Most side sleepers do the fetal position. The body is curled up towards the chest and knees bent. It is an instinctive position of the body to stay warm. 

Fetal position - while comfortable - is not the best side sleeping position. Curling the body to the chest causes the spine, shoulder, and neck to misalign. The awkward position increases pressure on the back muscles leading to back pain and joint pain in the morning. 

This side sleeping position is not recommended for people who suffer from arthritis. The extra pressure may only cause more discomfort, soreness, and pain.

#2 Log Position

Log sleepers sleep either on the left or side with arms on their torso. The position is horizontal as if mimicking a log. Sleeping in such a position can cuts off good blood circulation that leads to numbness and soreness in the morning.

#3 Yearner or Reacher Position

It is a position wherein the body is sprawled, and the arms stretched out in the front. Usually, reacher sleepers love having a pillow close to their body.

#4 Prayer Position

The prayer position is quite common, similar to fetal side sleep. The body is slightly bent while the hands are placed together like when praying. 

Prayer position is apparent among individuals who suffer from neck pain. The extra elevation of the head from the hands reduces the soreness on the neck. 

Which Sleeping Position is the Best? 

There is no conclusive answer as to what sleeping position is the best option. Experts advise that the key to good sleep is using the correct mattress. If you are a side sleeper, check reliable sources for more details on the best mattresses for side sleepers. 

Moreover, do not stick to one position while sleeping. Switch up your position from one side to the other. This manner prevents your body from experiencing discomfort in the morning.